IntelligenceBank Demo

Add the following line at the top of the template: @using IntelligenceBank.Umbraco.Connector.Core.Models;

IntelligenceBankMediaItem - this is an HTML extension that allows you to automatically generate the necessary tags depending on the type of media (images, video, file, audio)

Insert the fields of your page using the code examples below, where the second parameter (example: "ibImagePicker") is the name of your field

IntelligenceBank Media Picker

Weyne Yew Flinders Street

Code example:

@Html.IntelligenceBankMediaItem(Model,"ibImagePicker", new { @class="img-fluid"})
Image with custom attributes
Custom text

Code example:

@Html.IntelligenceBankMediaItem(Model,"ibImagePickerCustom", new { @class="img-fluid", alt="Custom text"})

Code example:

Photo Licensing Agreement

Code example:


Code example:

@Html.IntelligenceBankMediaItem(Model,"ibVideoPicker", new { width="800", height="370"})

RTE and Grid

RTE old style

Nothing new is needed to render the RTE. Standard Umbraco approach. Code example:

RTE new style

Lorem ipsum was conceived as filler text, formatted in a certain way to enable the presentation of graphic elements in documents, without the need for formal copy.

Nothing new is needed to render the RTE.Standard Umbraco approach. Code example:

Happy young woman on a pink background

Nothing new is needed to render the Grid. Standard Umbraco approach. Code example:

@Html.GetGridHtml(Model, "gridComponent")

Manual Transformations

You can use transform parameter to transform the media item. ( transform:"{transformation_parameter}" - where 'transformation_parameter'' is the transformation parameter you want to use).

Use the next method to manually change the preset by preset 'id'' for the media item :

@Html.IntelligenceBankMediaItem(Model,"ibImagePicker", htmlAttributes: new { width="500"}, transform:"preset=VOEb")

Simon Maage Friends at Dusk

Here's a summary of the available parameters that can be used in the media query parameter:

  • Extension (ext): Change the image format.
    Accepted values: jpeg, jpg, bmp, gif, png, webp.
    Example: transform: "ext=png"
  • Size (size): Resize the image to a specific width and height or percentage.
    Accepted Value: Width x Height or Width or xHeight or Xpercent
    Resize with &ignore: Ignore aspect ratio and also match.
    Resize with &nolarge: Ignore aspect ratio but never enlarge.
    Example: transform: "size=500x500&ignore"
  • Crop (crop & cropgravity): Select a custom crop position or use predefined crop gravity.
    Accepted values: crop=a{{HORIZONTALSTARTPOINT}}xa{{VERTICALSTARTPOINT}} (custom crop position)
    Accepted values for cropgravity: center, east, northeast, north, northwest, south, southeast, southwest, west
    Example: transform: "crop=northwest"
  • Extent (extentbackground & extentgravity): Extend the image canvas and specify a color background.
    Accepted values: extent={{Width}}x{{Height}} (canvas size)
    Accepted values for extentbackground: Any common color (e.g., skyblue), rgba or rgb color code.
    Accepted values for extentgravity: center, east, northeast, north, northwest, south, southeast, southwest, west
    Example: transform: "extent=500x500&extentbackground=skyblue&extentgravity=center"
  • Rotate (rotate): Rotate the image by a specified angle.
    Accepted values: 0 to 360 (rotation goes clockwise)
    Example: transform: "rotate=90"
  • Flip (flip): Flip the image horizontally or vertically.
    Accepted values: hor (for horizontal flip), ver (for vertical flip)
    Example: transform: "flip=hor"
  • Quality (quality): Adjust the image quality.
    Applicable formats: jpg, jpg2, bpg, djvu, djv, icer, jbig, pgf, jxr, hdp, wdp Accepted values: 1 to 100 (original quality)
    Example: transform: "quality=50"
  • Compression Type (compresstype): Apply pixel compression specified by type.
    Accepted values: B44, B44A, BZip, DWAA, DXT1, DXT3, DXT5, Fax, Group4, JBIG1, JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG2000, Lossless, LosslessJPEG, LZMA, LZW, None, Piz, Pxr24, RLE, Zip, RunlengthEncoded, WebP, ZipS, Ztsd
    Example: transform: "compresstype=JPEG"
  • Color Space (colorspace): Change the image color space.
    Accepted values: CIELab, CMY, CMYK, Gray, HCL, HCLp, HSB, HSI, HSL, HSV, HMB, Lab, LCH, LCHab, LCHuv, LinearGray, LMS, Log, Luv, OHTA, Rec601YCbCr, Rec709YCbCr, RGB, scRGB, sRGB, Transparent, xyY, XYZ, YCbCr, YDbDr, YCC, YIQ, YPbPr, YUV
    Example: transform: "colorspace=RGB"
  • Density (density): Set the image resolution.
    Accepted values: 1 or higher
    Example: transform: "density=300"

To utilize these parameters in the IntelligenceBankMediaItem, you can pass them as a query string in the 'transform' parameter. For example, in the provided code snippet, transform: "size=500x500" sets the size of the displayed image to 500 pixels width and 500 pixels height.

Example #1:

@Html.IntelligenceBankMediaItem(Model,"ibImagePicker", transform:"size=500x500")

will render:

Weyne Yew Flinders Street

You can combine multiple parameters in the transform parameter using the & character as a separator. For example, "size=400x400&crop=200x200&cropgravity=East" would resize the image to 400x400 and crop it.

Example #2:

@Html.IntelligenceBankMediaItem(Model,"ibImagePicker", transform:"size=400x400&crop=200x200&cropgravity=East")

will render:

Weyne Yew Flinders Street

Example #3 (RTE, Grid):

If you want to use transformation for RTE or Grid, call the Transform method. Make sure that @using IntelligenceBank.Umbraco.Connector.Core.Models; is included.
But keep in mind that the transformation will be applied to all objects inside. That means if you insert 2 images into the Grid from IntelligenceBank and apply the transformation, it will be applied to both of the IntelligenceBank images.
Example for RTE: @Model.Value("rteNewStyle").Transform("size=300x200")

will render:

Lorem ipsum was conceived as filler text, formatted in a certain way to enable the presentation of graphic elements in documents, without the need for formal copy.

The next example shows how to use the Transform method for the Grid component: @Html.GetGridHtml(Model, "gridComponent").Transform("size=200x200")

will render:

Happy young woman on a pink background

More detail

For more detail on the available parameters, please refer to the following article:

Direct call

Media picker

A direct call to the field (standard Umbraco approach) will always return a string to the CDN

You can also call any property of the IntelligenceBankMediaItem element.

Available properties:

  • ResourceType
  • Name
  • Type
  • Thumbnail
  • Url
  • FileName
  • FileType
  • FileSize
  • Width
  • Height
  • IBId
  • FileHash
  • VersionNumber
  • Sid
  • Preset
  • PresetFileSize
  • PresetCustomWidth
  • PresetCustomHeight
  • PresetName


  • Trnasform("parameters")

Code example #1:


will return:

Code example #2:

<img src="@Model.Value("ibImagePicker")" />

will return:

<img src="" />

Code example #3:


will return:


Code example #4:

Use Transform() method to apply the transformation


will return: